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It men’ – Political commentator calls for pornography ban

US conservative political commentator Candace Owens’ latest remarks, which have gone popular on social media site X, denouncing the usage and abuse of pornography have rekindled the controversy around it.

“Ban pornography,” Owens wrote on her X account, reiterating her position that it is bad for males. It’s a psychological tool used to make our males less strong. Since then, this post has had 8.9 million views and more than 6,000 comments, igniting a contentious debate in which both proponents and opponents have voiced their opinions.

“I also want to say to the men that struggle with pornography—you were the intended victims of it,” Owens said in a follow-up post to men who struggle with the material. Don’t be embarrassed to discuss it. Acknowledging its error is a commendable initial step.

She went on to clarify her positions, saying, “Pornography was invented as a means of captivity, not freedom. The most heinous members of our species established it to psychologically teach to Satanists religious sacraments such as incest, paedophilia, and homosexuality. Prohibit it and demonise everyone who supports or benefits from it.

Owens declared earlier this year that she had converted from Reformed Evangelical Protestantism to Catholicism.

Owens’ political and social criticism, which she offers on Elon Musk’s free speech-promoting platform,, is greatly influenced by her religious convictions.

Yes, pornography is a spiritual and psychological weapon designed to corrupt both men’s and women’s tastes. The pornography that is offered gets more heinous every year. They teach children in government-run schools that watching porn is “healthy” while also introducing them to young-looking guys and girls, trannies, and other characters, she said.

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