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EOCO Director’s Bust Vandalised

The monument of COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah, Executive Director of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO), has been destroyed by unknown individuals in what appears to be a deliberate act of vandalism.

The bust, which was installed in October 2024 at EOCO’s headquarters and surrounded by the “Obatanpa Tiwaa Gardens,” was intended to celebrate the contributions of the director.

However, its commissioning sparked heated public debate over its appropriateness and approval process.

According to reports, the destruction occurred in broad daylight, as unidentified individuals gained access to EOCO’s premises and defaced the statue. Security personnel were reportedly present but were unable to prevent the act.

The motives behind the attack remain unclear, and investigations are underway to apprehend the culprits.

Since its unveiling, the bust has faced scrutiny, with critics questioning whether it was appropriate for EOCO staff to commission a monument of their executive director without formal government approval.


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